Sunday, June 17, 2007

Best of 2007 so far?

Last week Richard Roeper hosted guest critic Christy Lemire on the Ebert & Roeper show to discuss their favorite films of 2007 thus far. Each offered 5 choices -- see if you agree. You may find some good options for movies to check out at the theater, library, or video store. I have personally seen 6 of the 10, and would recommend them all. "The Hoax" was a bit less compelling than I'd hoped, but "Away From Her" (now playing at Sundance) was really exceptional. I'd add both "Wristcutters: A Love Story" and "Severance" (from the Film Fest - to play in town later this year, I hope) to my own list of favorites.

The Lookout (top pick)
The Hoax

Knocked Up (top pick)
The Lives of Others
Away From Her
Hot Fuzz

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